Easy Desert Landscaping Ideas

Backyard desert landscaping ideas are important if you don’t want your property to look unsightly. The weather and climate in desert city regions will not take kindly to any property that has been neglected. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a number of desert landscaping ideas that are easy to implement:

desert landscaping

Desert Landscaping Benefits from Clever Use of Plants

Think of it as setting a stage – you can place big-money plants in locations where they are most visible. For example, you can use large plants and beautiful plant combinations to mark your home’s entryway. The plants can serve a number of different purposes:

  • paintbrushes – they add color and definition to key areas
  • highlights – they can emphasize and guide people towards specific areas
  • decoration – plants can bring much-needed life to areas that would otherwise look barren.

Take Desert Landscaping Inspiration From Your Home

Some of the best desert landscaping out there look so beautiful because they work in synergy with the home. So when designing your landscape, make sure you take inspiration from your home’s architecture and its surrounding landscape. For example, if the home was built on top of a lava-rock field, black lava rocks can serve as a framing for the pathway. This will evoke a sense of continuity. It makes for a very uniform look, which looks real good with the desert as the backdrop.

Use Desert Appropriate Plants

What are some of the key features of a desert city? That’s right – scorching climate and a not-so-abundant supply of water. So make sure you pick plants that are appropriate for the desert city. This means using drought tolerant and self-sustaining plants because they can survive on long stretches without watering. An alternative to this is to build your own irrigation system or to use artificial plants.

There are artificial plants that look “almost” as good as the real things but do not require any maintenance except for the occasional cleaning. The downside to using artificial plants is they can never truly pass for the real thing, purists can easily spot the difference. So it is essentially a balancing act between authenticity and convenience.


Hire a Landscaping Company

Last but not the least, you have to accept that landscaping is not a simple weekend activity that you can DIY. It requires a lot of patience, some degree of carpentry and design aptitude, and a whole lot of manual labor. If you try to do it yourself, you could end up ruining your property or your costs could lead to unacceptable levels.

Instead, you can hire a landscaping company like Water Wise Landscape and let the professionals do all the important stuff. You can still consult with them to ensure that the landscape is in line with your vision, but leave all the heavy lifting to the landscapers. You will save a lot of money, time, and you can focus on more important matters instead. Contact us today and we will give you a FREE quote.

About Water Wise Landscape

Our Story

Hudson Hale graduated with honors from Cornell University in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Horticulture. He was hired by Environmental Care Inc. and worked with them in San Jose, CA until 1982 when he transferred to Palm Springs to help them open a new branch as General Superintendent. ..

About Us

Since 2007, Water Wise Landscape provided exceptional service to our customers and work to promote eco-friendly and thriving landscapes. Whether it’s improvements to an existing landscape or a new construction, we have the staff and experience to walk you through all the stages of installation from design to construction to maintenance.

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